For effective coverage of the syllabus, it is recommended that Students should study for a minimum of three (3) Months before writing the professional examinations. Lectures for new Students should resume at the following period to enable them prepare properly with adequate revision for the examinations. Students are expected to pass at least three out of the six subjects in each Module before progressing to next examination level. However, Students at the Foundation level Stage are required to pass all the subjects at the Foundation Stage before writing subjects at the Intermediate Stage. Also, all subjects at the Intermediate Stage must be passed before writing Subjects at the Final Stage. Every student will require a membership registration number which automatically becomes their examination number.



The Foundation Stage examination is an equivalent of National Diploma, National Certificate of Education awarded by a recognized Polytechnics, Colleges of Education, Universities or other recognized Institutions

The examination is made up of 12 subjects to be taken in two examination diets. Each diet examination comprises 6 subjects each. The Foundation examination stage is designed for student with five (5) credit passes in the examination conducted by a recognized Examination body.

Matured and Experienced Students with deficiencies in the basic academic requirements may be considered for admission as International Students of the Institute.



The Intermediate Stage examination is an equivalent of first Degree in a recognized Maritime University or other recognized Institution.  The examination is made up of 18 subjects to be taken in three examination diets. Each diet examination comprises 6 subjects each. The Intermediate Stage examination is designed for student with Foundation Certificate of the Institute or ND Certificate/Equivalents.



The Final stage examination is an equivalent of Master’s Degree in a recognized Maritime University or other recognized Institution. The examination is made up of 12 subjects to be taken in three examination diets. Each diet examination comprises 4 subjects each. The Final stage examination is designed for student with Intermediate Certificate of the Institute, B.sc or Equivalent Certificate.



The Graduate Conversion Examination is made up of 4 subjects which can be taken once or maximum of two examination diets. The Graduate Conversion Examination is designed for candidates with Master or Doctoral Degree.



Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals, USA (CIMPTMP) programs has been designed to provide for the adjustment of variation in the background of the Students. However, Students having different professional background and Job experience will be required to complete different number of courses and credit transfer as shown below.

  1. A) Students that passed professional examinations of other recognized professional Examinations bodies will exempted from writing the relevant subject [s] at the appropriate examination levels.
  2. B) Students in 2nd of four year degree program in a recognized University or Institution will be exempted from Module A an examination subjects provided the courses are relevant.
  3. C) Students in 3rd of four year degree program in a recognized University or Institution will be exempted from Module A and Module B examination Subjects provided the courses are relevant.
  4. D) Students in 4th of four year degree program in a recognized University or Institution will be exempted from Modules A, B, C and D examination subjects provided the courses are relevant.


Mature Students with Comprehensive Job experience will be given appropriate placement in the Institute program. Student willing to know his or her exemption status should write directly to





  • Only Accredited Training Centers and training schools and our Corporate Members Institutions will be permitted to present students for the Institute examination.
  • Student for examination must have been registered for at least Four months before the examination date.
  • The Student must not owe the Institute and must have paid the annual subscription fee as at the date of the examination.
  • Student must not owe the Tuition Center or training Academy and must have settled all financial obligations.
  • Student can also register and received the study pack and read on their own for the exams.
  • Examination fee and other fees must be paid and Examination entry form must be duly completed and submitted before the Examination closing date.


CIMPTMP, USA Examination Marking Standards are as follows;

Foundation Module A           2nd of 4year degree programme

Foundation Module B           3rd of 4year degree programme

Intermediate Module C         3rd of 4year degree programme

Intermediate Module D         4th of 4year degree programme

Intermediate Module E         1st of 2years Master’s Degree programme

Final Module F                     1st of   2years Master’s Degree programme

Final Module G                     2nd of 2years Master’s Degree programme

Final Module H                     1st year of Doctoral degree programme



Additional Merits of the Approved Training Center and training Academy:

Apart from the regular training programme, the Approved Training Centers shall be involved in other programmes of the Institute as follows: Professional Workshops

The Approved Training Centers are entitled to initiate professional Workshop/Seminar/In-house training programmes and hold such programmes in collaboration with the Institute.




Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals which is known across the United States and throughout the world, representing diverse perspectives, experiences, backgrounds and cultures .Approved Training Centers and training academy shall be regarded as an extension of the Institute where quality professional education delivery will be guaranteed.



  1. To qualify as Approved Training Center, shall ensure maximum publicity of the programme such training outfit shall first of all be registered under the appropriate Law in their Country of origin with evidence of recognition.
  2. The Institution shall apply for affiliation with the Institute or as Professional Course Provider or as Corporate Member of the Institute on the appropriate form and pay the required application fees including annual dues.
  3. Institution / Center for approval must have good Study Center with library Facilities.
  4. The Institution should also have qualified and experienced lecturers



  1. Approved Training Center shall be solely responsible for ensuring quality delivery associated with the operation of the Institute programme at their Center.
  2. Approved Training Center must have the ability to effect good and quality advertisement of the Institute programme. However, every advertisement must receive approval from the registrar before publication.
  3. Approved Training Center or any other persons MUST NOT make any false claim about the Institute.


The Institute appoints credible individuals as representative at the Local, National and International levels. Local representatives are to function as Country / State / Regional representative of the Institute and to serve as ambassador of the Institute at the State / Regional level. National representatives are to function as Country representative and serve as ambassador of the Institute in the Country they represent.


                            FEES AND FINANCE


New  Student Registration – Programs (Non- Refundable) 30
NewAll Grade  of Membership  Registration (Non-Refundable) 10


Examination Fee per Module 50
Exemption Fee per Subject 10
Late Examination Entry Fee 30
Examination Re-sit fee per Paper 10
Associate Membership Direct Admission & First Year Subscription


Yearly Subscription – Associate Member 15
Full Membership Direct Admission+ First Year Subscription


Yearly Subscription – Full Member 20
Associate Fellow Membership Direct Admission &  First Year Subscription 120
Yearly Subscription –Associate Fellow Member 30
Fellow Membership Direct Admission & First Year Subscription


Yearly Subscription – Fellow Member 40
Legendary  Member & First Year Subscription 250
Yearly Subscription – Legendary  Member 50
New Corporate Membership Registration ( Non-Refundable) 40
Corporate Membership joining fee 380
Yearly Renewal – Corporate Membership 100
License fee for practicing professional ( individual & Corporate body) 850
Yearly renewal of License  – Individual 100
Yearly renewal of license  – Corporate 150
Licence fee application 100
Tuition fees for Professional Certificate students (per Semester) 300
Tuition fees for Professional Diploma students     (per Semester) 500
Tuition fees for professional Postgraduates Diploma  students

(per Semester)

Tuition fees for professional Masters Certificate students (per Semester) 1,500
Tuition fees for professional Doctoral Certificate students (per Semester) 1,800
Study Pack Fee  (For each) 120


Please note that the above fees are subject to adjustment without notice. Please contact the registrar (registrar@cimptmp.org) for up -to -date fees information.

To sit for our professional examination, every student will require a membership registration number which automatically becomes their examination number.



Our programs rosters read like who’s who in every academic discipline. These well-connected intellectual leaders hold key posts on government commissions, testify before congress, write widely used graduate level textbooks, run their own businesses , author influential articles, edit prestigious journals , lead professional organizations , and provide  consulting services to government agencies and fortune 600 companies.

As a result they are impacting policy decisions at the highest levels of corporate America and helping to shape the way business is practiced today around the world.

Unlike other schools with esteemed programs, Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals, USA (CIMPTMP) encourage a small class format that invites individual attention. Whether our professors introduces you to business leaders, inform you of an internship, or offer practical advice, they build relationship with the people they teach. You get the benefits of attending a major university programs plus the support you’d expect from a smaller private school – including invaluable connections that carry on after graduation.

For the most current list of programs, CIMPTMP offers the kind of education and professional Development needed for leadership in a rapidly changing world. We offer a breadth of highly regarded Certificates and Advanced Diploma’s programs that allow students the freedom to explore their intellectual and personal passions.



For June and December 2019 – 2023

Examination Time Table ……………….. Attached pdf

to download or view our professional examination time table for June  and December 2019-2023 diet.