Chartered Institute Of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals, USA (CIMPTMP) Collaborate with Institute of Practicing Professionals of Nigeria (IPPN):
Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals, USA (CIMPTMP) sign a professional collaboration MOU agreement with Institute of Practicing Professionals, Nigeria (IPPN) for chartered professional certification programs and membership reciprocal.
Others areas of programs will include certificates, professional Diploma’s and professional postgraduate Diploma’s for its members and the Nigeria public and Africa continent as whole. For more details visit
Direct Membership Induction with Full Exemption – Africa Region
Investiture Ceremony of qualified individuals into different membership grade of the Institute comes up in African Region are scheduled in NIGERIA & GHANA as follows: 10th March, 2018 at De Renaissance Hotel, 172 Obafemi Awolowo way Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria by 10am. While Ghana comes up on 28th April, 2018 at Rayporsh Hotel, 46 Onyankle Street, Abelenkpe, Accra, Ghana.
Visit: for online application or avail us your email for membership requirement & soft copy of the form.
Chartered Institute Of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals, USA (CIMPTMP) Collaborate with Terminals and Logistics Academy:
Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals, USA (CIMPTMP) sign a professional Collaboration MOU agreement with Terminals and Logistics Academy for professional certification programs and training with African Region.
Marine Fisheries Commission seeking advisory board members
The Jacksonville Daily News22 hours ago
Daily News Staff JDNews MOREHEAD CITY | The North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission is accepting applications for fishermen and scientists interested in serving on various advisory …
Dallas Morning News22 hours ago
Owens had already risked his life numerous times to help injured Marines. But while they were en route, they were told to return to base. Owens was in a Humvee in front of Smith’s on
Marine accused of strangling woman
News Channel 12 New Bern9 hours ago
JACKSONVILLE, Onslow County – A Marine accused of strangling a 22-year-old woman has been charged in what investigators say is a domestic assault. That’s according to the Jacksonville …
Marine Le Pen Could be a Coup de Grace for the EUR
The Forex Market1 day ago
Let’s be frank, if there is anything that 2016 has taught us, it is that Marine Le Pen’s bid for presidency can no longer be written off as a far-right pipe dream. The surprise vote for …
Marine killed at Tarawa is buried in Fort Dodge
The Fort Dodge Messenger1 day ago
He enlisted in the Marine Corps in April 1943. Haraldson was killed on Nov. 22, 1943, while assaulting a Japanese stronghold on Betio, one of the islands that make up the …
Marine wants to honor veterans at Memorial Stadium
Columbus Telegram1 day ago
The Lincoln businessman and former Vietnam-era Marine — India Company, 3rd Battalion, 9th Marines — has also been a lifelong Husker fan and is one of the game day staffers in charge …
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Read scientific research on marine animals and their aquatic habitats. … Breaking News: … A Lot Of Marine Animals Eat Plastic ⏤ Now We Know Why …
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Marine Biology News – Sea News on Sea and Sky .Sea and Sky’s Marine Biology News page features the latest news headlines and news stories on the topic of marine biology, updated daily.
Ocean News & Updates — National Geographic
Get the latest ocean news and updates from National Geographic. … News & Updates. Photo: DEEPSEA … Learn About Marine Reserves · Video Icon Overlay.
Marine Life Related News re marine life, conservation, global … ; marine life, conservation, global warming, ecology, ocean research, and natural science news ~~. Latest. David Gruber: Glow-in-the-dark sharks and other …
World Maritime News | The industry’s seaborne news provider Regional news · Africa · Americas · Asia … HISWA Holland Marine Industry originally developed the “Commercial Cruising Vessel Project (CCV)” in … October 31 …
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News about Fish and Other Marine Life, including commentary and archival … Latest Articles … Coast of Antarctica Will Host World’s Largest Marine Reserve.
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Fifty-five years ago, Jack Briggs determined there were 107 fish species with a trait most fish cannot boast: a global distribution. These circumtropical species …
Marine Biology Current Events and News |
Marine Biology Current Events is our marine biology news page. It offers news about scientific discoveries and interesting current events in marine biology.
On Ports and Terminals News
Shipping crisis could impact local ports
Orange County Register2 days ago
The giant cargo hubs operate like landlords, wooing shippers to sign leases to unload goods at their massive terminals. The ports shell out hundreds of millions of dollars to stay …
Ports upgrade digital operations aiming to improve shipping
The Press-Enterprise 6 days ago
“Today the port typically…advances, and truckers will know exactly where and when their cargo will be on dock, she said. The shipping and customs data will be released …
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Critical business intelligence, news and analysis on ports around the globe. … container terminal. Port says terminal will add 450,000 TEUs of annual capacity.
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In-depth coverage of U.S. maritime ports, including news and analysis. … The Port of Mobile’s container terminal is benefiting from a double shot of new business …
Port News | World Maritime News
A new container terminal at the Canadian Port of Montréal was inaugurated by …. The local branch of the Swedish Dockworkers’ Union, Hamn 4, has decided to …
News. LA/LB propose roadmap for next green developments. The ports of Los … Currently, it operates in terminals 1, 2 and 3, which have a combined area of … rules are relaxed, according to a recent report from the Department of Supply …
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Nov 14, 2016 … The latest global news on innovations and progress made at port terminals, from expansions and concessions to new equipment, new port …
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Container Terminals facilitate the global allow the transport of intermodal containers. Catch up on all the latest news with Port Technology International.
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Bulk Terminals are port terminals that specialise in handling and storing non- containerised bulk cargo and fall in to two main categories, dry and liquid. Dry bulk …
Port of Los Angeles | Longshore & Shipping News
The peak of shipping season in August produced record-breaking results for … From a Port News article titled ‘APM Terminals Los Angeles Pier 400 facility … : Latest News. Terex. Top News. Montréal launches new container terminal. November 22, 2016. The new terminal will be operated by Termont Montréal Inc. The Port of Montréal, Canada, has officially inaugurated a new container terminal in …
Concordia Maritime: Agreements Signed for the Refinancing of the P-MAX Ships
Business Wire via Yahoo Finance2 hours ago
GÖTEBORG, Sweden–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Regulatory News: Concordia Maritime AB (STO:CCORB) The existing finance facility for the ten P-MAX ships will expire in June 2017. The company has …
Navios Maritime Holdings And Its Recent Financials And Conference Call
Seeking Alpha3 hours ago
After listening to Navios Maritime Holdings’ (NYSE: NM ) conference call and digesting the numbers as best as I could, I came away with an impression, an opinion, as to the ongoing safety …
Strong second half propels Cal Maritime men’s basketball to fourth straight win
Vallejo Times-Herald8 hours ago
Like the Golden State Warriors, the Cal Maritime men’s basketball team has a lot of new faces on its squad this year playing together for the first time. Like the Warriors, the question …
Navios Maritime Holdings’ (NM) CEO Angeliki Frangou on Q3 2016 Results – Earnings Call Transcript
Seeking Alpha11 hours ago ; Navios Maritime Holdings (NYSE: NM ) Q3 2016 Earnings Conference Call November 22, 2016, 8:30 ET Executives Angeliki Frangou – CEO, Chairman Tom Beney – SVP Commercial Affairs George …
Cal Maritime women lose to Notre Dame De Namur
Vallejo Times-Herald10 hours ago; The Cal Maritime women’s basketball team lost to visiting Notre Dame De Namur 81-65 on Tuesday night in a nonleague battle. The Keelhaulers (0-8) were led by Amber Herrly, who scored …
Asia’s Largest Logistics and Maritime Conference Opens
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More than 70 leaders from the logistics and maritime industries are speaking…
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World Maritime News. Home; News by topic. Company News; … The maritime industry is gearing up for exciting times in an expanding sector The next 30 to 40 years will …
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Latest News. Nov. 3: Planning Begins. Maritime on YouTube . Inauguration of Michael A. Alfultis; Inauguration Procession; Admiral Alfultis’ Speech; 140th Anniversary;
Maritime News ; Business intelligence on all things maritime news including data and analysis with a global focus.
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A Journal of the Maritime Industry with Casualties, Tugboats, Shipbuilding, Jobs and Industry News
Maritime News is blog that updates you with the latest Technology, Business, Sports & Entertainment news. Our team is working every day to give you the latest news …
Latest news from Maritime Transport
All of the latest news from Maritime Transport in one place. Read our press releases on our new truck and trailer purchases, find out about new contract wins and stay …
Shipping News– The Maritime Executive
Stay up to date with the latest maritime shipping news featuring information related to tankers, cargo and maritime casualties.
Three Reasons to Seek International Institutional or Professional Collaborations:
Partnering with an institution can be just as valuable for a higher education institution’s growth as purchasing a service from a vendor.
When we look for solutions at our academic institutions, we often overlook partnering with other institutions as we search for vendors. Although many consortia are established solely for the purpose of facilitating institutional partnerships and collaboration, their value is far too often overlooked. Institutions should look to consortia models and other opportunities for institutional partnerships for several reasons:
- Profit Motive
While the institution supplying the service will want to cover its costs, profits do not have to be the driving factor in establishing a price. Unlike for-profit vendors, institutions have no shareholders demanding competitive pricing, thus freeing them up to establish a pricing schedule that is mutually beneficial without necessarily having to meet a profit motive.
- Expertise
Colleges and universities house a wealth of experience and knowledge. Whether the expertise required is academic, professional or service based, institutions have the in-house knowledge readily available to address an issue. Tapping into this expertise is likely easier than you think.
- Shared Risk
In many smaller institutions, it may not be feasible to offer a degree program or chartered professional certifications without partnering with another institution. With combined enrollments, a degree program and Chartered Professional Cortication’s can flourish, not just survive. Additionally, partnering with an institution known for its expertise in a particular area minimizes the learning curve and the mistakes from going it alone.
At CIMPTMP, USA, we help institutions establish their programs online and also on campus. Currently, we are working with over twenty private & government institutions, professional Bodies and also maritime colleges to bring their programs on chartered professional certification. The collaboration benefits the partner schools by assisting their faculty in the conversion of their courses, providing high-end learning management systems and professional courses (which they simply could not afford on their own) and a 24/7/365 call center for their students.
And, best of all, they become member of the International recognized Chartered Professional Body with no cost. They have access to our instructional designer and information technology staff, thus enabling a smooth transition; all at a fraction of the cost of building the infrastructure by themselves.
But what is in it for CIMPTMP and its member schools? Because the pricing from our learning management system provider is based on a sliding scale, the more we use it, the less expensive it becomes. Since we started helping other institutions bring their programs online and running our Chartered Professional Courses on their campus, we have lowered our cost per enrollment by 71 percent for the professional programs and learning management system.
What was once our second-largest cost, behind International Certifications programs, now actually costs us less with more than one billions enrollments across the world.
We are currently accepting Collaborations from Maritime Universities and Academy, Government Ports Authorities and non-Governmental Organization across the world.
For new collaboration’s email
In keeping to its tradition of educating and promoting the value that marine, port and terminal practicing professionals add to their different organization, professions, communities and the continents as a whole.
Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals, through its professional membership education committee, continues to conducts compulsory continuing membership education and training courses.
This training courses are designed for the purpose of focusing upon the maintenance of professional’s knowledge and developing skills for MPT professionals. In order to maintain and expand the current knowledge and skill of practicing professional, the institute is constantly carrying out the professional membership continuing education and training (PMCET and HIPOT) courses every month across each country in the continents.
This is informed by the vital need to react promptly to environmental changes as they affect the philosophies and practice of professionals. On this note, it is mandatory that all members of the Institute must avail themselves the opportunity of PMCET and HIPOT workshops (at least once or twice a year) to enhance their professional and practicing skills.
Attendances at PMCET and HIPOT workshop will serve as one of the requirement for membership update and will be used as eligibility for upgrading membership status. This will also be used as a basic parameter, among others to determine eligibility to serve on the council and committees of the council of the Institute.
Members are therefore enjoined to affirm their loyalty to the profession and the Institute by adhering strictly to the above guidelines. Kindly visit our training calendar for up-to date on our upcoming events.
To publish is to make content available to the general public. While specific use of the term may vary among countries, it is usually applied to text, images, or other audio-visual content on any traditional medium, including paper (newspapers, magazines, catalogs, etc.). The word publication means the act of publishing, and also refers to any printed copies.
“Publication” is a technical term in legal contexts and especially important in copyright legislation. An author of a work generally is the initial owner of the copyright on the work. One of the copyrights granted to the author of a work is the exclusive right to publish the work.
In the United States, publication is defined as:
The distribution of copies or phonorecords of a work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending. The offering to distribute copies or phonorecords to a group of persons for purposes of further distribution, public performance, or public display, constitutes publication. A public performance or display of a work does not of itself constitute publication.
To perform or display a work “publicly” means –
(1) To perform or display it at a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances is gathered; or
(2) to transmit or otherwise communicate a performance or display of the work to a place specified by clause (1) or to the public, by means of any device or process, whether the members of the public capable of receiving the performance or display receive it in the same place or in separate places and at the same time or at different times.
—17 USC 101
Furthermore, the right to publish a work is an exclusive right of the copyright owner (17 USC 106), and violating this right (e.g. by disseminating copies of the work without the copyright owner’s consent) is a copyright infringement (17 USC 501(a)), and the copyright owner can demand (by suing in court) that e.g. copies distributed against his will be confiscated and destroyed (17 USC 502, 17 USC 503).
The definition of “publication” as “distribution of copies to the general public with the consent of the author” is also supported by the Berne Convention, which makes mention of “copies” in article 3(3), where “published works” are defined. In the Universal Copyright Convention, “publication” is defined in article VI as “the reproduction in tangible form and the general distribution to the public of copies of a work from which it can be read or otherwise visually perceived.” Many countries around the world follow this definition, although some make some exceptions for particular kinds of works. In Germany, §6 of the Urheberrechtsgesetz additionally considers works of the visual arts (such as sculptures) “published” if they have been made permanently accessible by the general public (i.e., erecting a sculpture on public grounds is publication in Germany). Australia and the UK (as the U.S.) do not have this exception and generally require the distribution of copies necessary for publication. In the case of sculptures, the copies must be even three-dimensional.
All contributions and material for our publications (online newsletter and Magazines on Marine practicing professions or Port /terminal Practicing Profession) should be directed to our
CIMPTMP Professional Insights
Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals, USA encourages all Members to acquire a professional idea everywhere. When you attend a conference, seminar, workshop or a lecture given by an expert who is sharing some of the most current ideas in his or her field, you will often receive a bombardment of new insights that you can use to improve parts of your life.
Many people’s lives have been completely changed as a result of attending a single lecture given by a single insight that was the key to their future. Imagine what would happen if you attended courses, workshop, seminars, conferences and lectures on a regular basis organized by Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals, USA. You would continually bombard your mind with new ideas that would keep your mind alert and aware, and keep your creative juices flowing.
Creative mine people are constantly reading, not only in their own fields but in other fields as well. They read primarily nonfiction. They subscribes to variety of magazines and newspapers. They are continuing scanning through the tables of contents and through critical articles.
Always read with pen or highlighter in your hand. Even better, learn how to speed-read so that you can scan materials at a thousand words a minute, of faster. Speed reading is a skill, like riding a bicycle, which anyone can learn with a few hours of application. Forever after, you will be able to process more information that perhaps you ever imagined possible as a professional.
So look for professional idea everywhere…