CIMPTMP is a registered professional body in United State of America that outstanding professionals anywhere in the world can belong to.
- CIMPTMP is the ultimate organization for influential and famous professionals dedicated to enhancing global professional excellence in Marine, Ports and Terminals Management.
- CIMPTMP is an Educational, learning and professional institution designed to train, professionalize and develop a sophisticated professionals.
- CIMPTMP membership stands you out from the crowd in a competitive world.
- CIMPTMP operates with the highest standard under a code of professional conduct showing that our members are responsible member of a professional body.
- CIMPTMP – one Institute, many benefits with CIMPTMP membership Qualification & Certification.
- CIMPTMP brings to the fore the importance of know -how as well as experience in knowing where to tap in …
- CIMPTMP Members recognize the extent of and work from a base of, their own competence and experience.
- CIMPTMP membership place you on a platform among the “MPT PROFESSIONAL ICON “
- CIMPTMP- We are the dream, we are the future, we are the world, we are proud of it…. building a generations of marine, port and terminal management professionals around the world.
- CIMPTMP members give their own continuing professional development a high priority, regularly updating their professional knowledge and skills
- CIMPTMP is linked/collaborates with renown’s industries, Maritime Universities, Government Port Authorities and non-Governmental establishments in over 81 countries.
- To train and organized workshops /conferences/seminars to provide opportunities for the development and enhancement of skills in the area of Marine, Port and Terminal Management.
- To promote research studies among marine, port and terminal professionals and encourage excellence by recognizing those with outstanding achievements and to issue chartered certificates of proficiency.
- To enhanced professional knowledge in the administration and environmental management among professionals in the industry.
- It is also part of a process by which the Institute seeks to encourage its members to adopt a more formal approach to quality assurance and continuous improvement with the overall aim that members seek onsite verification of their learning services and the achievement of the Institute’s Quality Mark.
- To ensure a thorough knowledge and understanding of Marine, Port and Terminal Management and administration.
- Intensive Chartered Professional Postgraduate training Courses for marine, port and terminal professionals in the industry.
- Training, examination and admission of qualified and experience individuals to different membership grade of the Institute.
Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals run various marine, port and terminal courses at different time and duration each year. These courses are fashioned on international standard.
Development is an investment, not an expense. Paying expenses keeps the doors open. Investing opens new doors. Investments are for organizations that expect to be around for the long haul. In fact, investments make the long haul feasible.
The special professional Education courses provide a real first class overview of marine, port and terminal management practitioners and techniques for identification of problems and real solution to the industry problems. The programs are tailored to examine the structure and process necessary for any practitioners in the industry to achieve an efficient and effective use of man power development and human resource.
We strongly believed that people need maintenance and upgrades even more than machines do. Retraining is maintenance. Training is an upgrade. Development is the next generation model.
Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals provides advisory services and information to public and private sector in training and professional courses in marine, port and terminal management available in USA and other countries through Advisory Board members.
Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals (CIMPTMP) run special Professional Education training package for members across the continents in helping them meet the critical needs in their serving communities. These Programs are fashioned on International standard, which lead to the award of membership of the Institute, certificates, professional Diploma’s, professional Postgraduates Diploma’s and other benefits.
A sound policy would be that which is properly researched, anchored on a theoretical framework based on established principles; and through analysis of the existing situation and practice.
The training and courses provides a real first class overview of marine, port and terminal practitioners and techniques for identification of problems and real solution to the Industry problems. The programs tailored to examine the structure and process necessary for any marine, port and terminal practitioners in any country to achieve an efficient and effective use of manpower development and human resource. This training and development courses are anchored by experts and experience speakers from America, Europe, Asia and Africa to meet Chartered Institute of Marine, Port and Terminal Management Professionals , USA mandate which provides an impetus for the Institution’s learning and Professional designed to train, Professionalize and develop a sophisticated practitioners professional in the industry.
It’s always a gathering of world MPT professional Icon and mentors for major knowledge sharing activities providing platform for learning and Worldwide Network of marine, port and terminal practitioners professional and;
- World –Class Training Opportunities
- Leadership development
- Educational training, Awards and Recognition
- Increased Professional knowledge
- Local involvement
- Books and Research
- Job opportunities
- Practicing professional’s foundation.
- Consultancy services
- Advisory Information services.
- Certification programs.
Institute also consults for Government Ports Authorities and corporate members from the pool of sophisticated qualified members through the CIMPTMP CONSULT.
All register members of the institute and non-members with track records who wishes to practice as a Licenced Marine Professional (LMP) and/or Licenced Port and Terminal Professional (LPTP) should download the attached form, fill and make their necessary payment. All application will be treated within 72 hours excluding public holidays in your country of residence.
Application for license to practice: to DOWNLOAD
All completed download form should be send to the
to download your professional training calendar for 2017/2018
We are currently updating OUR PROFESSIONAL LEARNING providers
to download or view our available Professional Courses for Professional Certificate, Professional Advanced Diploma and Professional Postgraduate Diploma Programs.